Medical fields AND WORK
Over the past 25 years, we have been lucky enough to work in a really wider range of medical fields. While we pride ourselves on our ability to apply our experience and research skills rapidly into new areas, we’re particularly at home and well-connected in these areas:

Wound care and tissue viability
Mole has worked in the wound care field since 1999. We are the leading dedicated agency working in this space and love our integral role in the wound care community.
Our team have excellent relationships with KOLs, charities, clinical organisations, publishers and the leading wound care events.
We understand the market, the products, and the clinical and system structures. Our team are behind many of the most successful wound care campaigns, events, resources and modules around.
Our work includes:
- Many of the leading wound care e-learning modules
- Webinars and Facebook Lives
- All digital marketing and contents for the UK’s leading free wound care conference
- Educational contents: short- and long-form, factsheets, journal articles, briefing documents, interactive PDFs, slide decks, training videos
- KOL filming and sourcing
- Fake wounds for filming
- Patient stories
- Symposia, round tables, workshops and events
- Websites and learning platforms
Come and talk to us – wound care is our world!

Vascular and lower limb
The world of compression is a world we’re very comfortable in. Our medical writers and content producers understand compression and the related conditions, are across best practice guidelines, and have a great handle on patient needs.
Our work includes:
- Educati0onal toolkits for clinicians
- Self-care support and education for patients
- Significant educational programmes for patients with lymphoedema
- Lower limb websites
- KOL filming
- Compression measurement videos
- Compression application videos
- Vascular anatomy and physiology learning modules
- Marketing and comms for compression products
- Education in line with NWCSP guidelines
If you’re looking for educational or promotional contents around compression, we can help.

Overlooked but absolutely vital – continence is an area we should all be more focused on. Mole’s team work with leading manufacturers and educators, creating materials and campaigns for both clinicians and patients.
Previous projects have included creating educational materials to suppoer caregiving relatives, producing webinars and virtual conferences, creating self-care guides, developing e-learning modules and filming guidance on product application.

As well as running websites for several leading urology clinics, Mole has spent a significant number of hours in theatre filming urological procedures.
Our team understand the very specific needs of the operating theatre environment and can be relied on when you need a team who are discrete, accommodating and who will get it right first time.

From developing the digital curriculum to support Examination of the Newborn, to our award-winning discharge video for the Great Western Hospital, we’ve spent a lot of hours working in midwifery departments.
Whether it’s sensitivity while filming brand-new babies or a clear research-head when planning e-learning, our team bring the experience needed.
Ready to get in touch? We'd love to chat.